
This is a black & white, charcoal drawing that has been transformed via computer color graphics. A person meditates upon the energy that flows through the body, mind, and energetic system. This person has reached the deepest vibratory level of the chakras, and is entering consciously into the vibration of red.

Art Tarot Interpretation

Related to your issue of focus, though you may feel most comfortable dreaming or meditating, it is actually physical action that is called for now. If you do wish to meditate upon your issue, however, ask to be shown the root of the problem, and visualize the color red, which represents the energy that roots us to our identities on this earth. It is likely that you need physical revitalization at this time, so look to your diet and exercise routines to see where improvements can be made. It is also possible that you simply need to take action regarding something you have so far only thought about. Massage, yoga, and good, old-fashioned yard work  can all be beneficial now.