What is a human energy field, or aura?
The human energy field or aura is just what it sounds like: a field of energy that surrounds and permeates every cell of your body. It's a big, invisible cloud that you walk around in. It is your "energy home," where you feel comfortable. Your aura influences every aspect of your life. What you think and do alters your aura, which in turn directly effects every area of your life, including your physical health, how others perceive you, and what opportunities or misfortunes that you attract to yourself.
Some people do not believe auras exist because they cannot be easily seen or felt by tangible means. Auras can be perceived intuitively, and by very specialized cameras.
Can normal people feel the aura?
Yes. While psychics and scientists can see details about auras, anyone can sense energy fields and their influence upon us. You probably have experienced some of the events listed here, but did not realize it was related to your energy field. Have you ever:
Thought of someone, when suddenly the phone rings and it is that person calling?
Felt nervous or afraid around someone without knowing why?
Looked for a parking place, felt an "urge" to turn this way or that, only to find a great space just as someone else pulled out?
You may not realize it, but these things involve the "unseen" energy fields of different people responding to one another. The ability to see details of auras is an advanced version of natural skills like "mother's intuition" or the "gut feeling" we all get from time to time about important life choices. Psychics and energy healers may have naturally strong intuition, but they also learn to develop and control their gift, as a professional in any other field would do. This is the same as how the ability to cook a gourmet meal is an advanced version of the skills used to make a sandwich.
What is the aura made of and what can it do?
The precise name of the aura, and the "stuff" that makes it are still being studied. It has been observed by spiritual masters and physicists for thousands of years, and it has been directly named, or indirectly related to all of the following: prana, chi, luminous body, illiaster, the odic force field, electromagnetic energy field, orgone, aura, and most recently, the bioplasma field. The aura is made of light, and of energies that are electrostatic, magnetic, electromagnetic, sonic, thermal and visual.
Despite the differences in name and theory of the aura, those who study it generally agree upon some characteristics: 1. the aura's energy can have an effect on one's own health, and upon the health of others; 2. assessment of the aura can indicate illness in a non-invasive way, and it can also show symptoms that have not yet materialized; 3. the energy in the aura is the same energy that "makes" the universe, and it can be used to "charge" materials; 4. this energy can be sensed, felt and directed through time and distance.
What are chakras and aura colors?
To intuitive readers and energy healers, chakras are vortexes through which vibrations enter and leave the aura. They connect you with your aura's different layers, and they touch every area of your life. There are 7 major chakras and numerous minor ones.
Each chakra has a separate vibration, which is related to a different light or color. Because of this, everyone has all the colors in their auras. However, we are so very unique that each of us focuses more strongly in some areas of life. This focus causes one or more colors to predominate in the aura, helping to color our personality and lifestyle. Colors are neither good nor bad, but they can be used in a balanced or unbalanced way. Some of the meanings for each color are listed here, including an unbalanced use of the color shown in parentheses. Below each color is the chakra that is associated with it.
Red - Passion, vitality, action (anger)
Chakra 1, the physical body and societal structures into which we are born
Orange - Warmth, adventure, socializing (obsessiveness)
Chakra 2, all that flows between people, including sex, feelings, money and talents
Yellow - Joy, cheerfulness, mental wit and wisdom (silliness)
Chakra 3, the conscious mind, intellect, wit and articulation
Green - Abundance, harmony, growth (jealousy)
Rose - Love, affection, kindness (naïveté')
Chakra 4, relationships, love, connectedness
Blue - Understanding, compassion, creativity (depression)
Chakra 5, communication skills, voice, song
Indigo - Intuitive vision and insight ( inability to fit into the world)
Chakra 6, accepting responsibility for one's true purpose, spiritual skills
Violet - Visionary wisdom, leadership (aloofness)
Chakra 7, connection to God, divinity, higher wisdom
What is exciting about the aura?
Intuitive readers, energy healers, and some scientists can see different layers and areas of the aura, and can interpret the meaning of these things. The most exciting aspect of reading auras is that symptoms and problems can be seen in the energy world before they manifest in the physical world. When problems are "caught" at this stage (whether it is a health problem or a relationship issue) the healing of it is much easier than after it manifests physically. Intuitive readings are also non-invasive, and do not require the recipient to undergo any embarrassment or discomfort.
Another exciting aspect of the aura is its relationship to energy healing techniques, which utilize the universal energy field, channeled through the healer's own aura. By learning to understand energetics, we can enhance health and well-being in all areas of life.
Why are some people so skeptical about energy fields and energy medicine?
An aura reading cannot be concretely "proved" in a standard way at present. Many professionals believe that only those facts which can be objectively proven should be considered valid.
It is understandable that a physician would feel uncomfortable making a solid diagnosis of, say, cancer, by simply trusting one intuitive reading of a patient. The doctor will want to verify such a reading with x-rays and other clinical data.
The doctor's concerns are legitimate. Different psychics may give conflicting readings because they interpret the symbolism received differently. Or, both psychics may say "there is something off kilter in this area" but may differ regarding the details. Even though there are cameras and equipment to measure auras now, the meanings of the readings are not standardized as clearly as, say, a blood test.
Nonetheless, intuitive readings can clearly assist in diagnosis and research in any area of life, and can do so in a non-invasive, gentle way. Intuitive readings can find information that is out-of-reach through normal channels. It is likely that in the future, we will see intuitive readers and energy healers working more and more closely with "traditional" professionals in many fields of expertise.