Session Request Form

Please do not hit return or the "submit" button until you are through, as it will send the form. 

Please indicate what type of session you want at this time (pick only one). This is not a payment form.  You may pay via credit or debit card at the beginning of your session. For information about how sessions work and the prices for each time, click here.

Please describe in as much detail as possible what you want to learn or understand from your session. The more information that you provide here, the better I can focus my intuition and answer your true needs.

The following information is required for all sessions:

Your name

Your e-mail

Your mailing address 

Your telephone number 

Your birthdate 

The following information is helpful in providing details but is not required. 

The exact time of your birth. If unknown, give a guestimate and tell me this.

Your birth place, including town or city, state and nation

Thank you for your request. I will get back to you shortly.


Please tell me who referred you to me, so that I may thank them.  
Please indicate several preferences for dates and times for your session in the near future. I am located in Eastern Standard Time Zone.
email me